Time: 120 minutes | Portion: for 6 people
What You'll Need / Bahan-Bahan
3 cups PusaCream rice, washed, soaked for 30 minutes and drained
4 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, peeled and diced
600g chicken, cut into 5 to 6 pieces
500ml water
1 packet sup bunjut
spices (available from the supermarket)
1 tbsp allspice
1 tsp pepper
½ tbsp salt
1 brinjal, cut into 12cm strip, sliced and fried
2 tomatoes, sliced
2 potatoes, sliced 0.5cm thick and fried
1 small onion, peeled and sliced into rings
3 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
50g almond slices, fried
50g cashew nuts, fried
50g raisins, fried
3 cawan beras PusaCream, dibasuh, direndam selama 30 minit dan disejat
4 sudu besar minyak zaitun
1 biji bawang, dikupas dan dipotong dadu
600g ayam, potong kepada 5-6 bahagian
500ml air
1 sup bunjut, 1 sudu besar pelbagai rempah
1 sudu kecil lada hitam, ½ sudu besar garam
1 biji terung, potong kepada saiz 12cm panjang, dihiris dan digoreng
2 biji tomato dihiris bulat
2 biji ubi kentang, dihiris nipis dan digoreng
1 biji bawang besar, dihiris bulat
3 sudu besar daun ketumbar dicincang
50g hirisan badam, 50g kacang gajus dan
50g kismis, digoreng
Here's How / Cara-Cara
- Heat olive oil in a pot and sauté diced onion until slightly golden. Add chicken and fry until it shrinks a little. Add enough water to cover 3cm to 4cm above the chicken, and add remaining ingredients for the stock. Boil until cooked. Set aside the stock.
- Put a deep pot filled with a 1/4 cup of PusaCream rice on the stove.
- Arrange brinjal, tomatoes, potatoes, and onion rings on top of rice. Top with chicken pieces.
- Spread the remaining PusaCream rice on top. Pour in the chicken stock (about 3 cups), making sure it cover 3cm to 4cm above the rice.
- Cover pot and bring to a boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce to lowest heat setting. Place a pan or steel plate underneath the pot to prevent the rice from burning. Boil slowly for another 30 to 35 minutes or until rice is cooked. Allow rice to rest for 20 minutes before serving.
- To serve, remove lid from pot and replace it with a serving plate. Flip pot over, leaving rice upside down on the plate.
- Garnish with chopped coriander leaves, fried almond slices, cashew nuts, and raisins. Serve with salsa or jelatah.
Cara Penyediaan
- Di dalam periuk, panaskan minyak zaitun dan tumis bawang sehingga sedikit keperangan. Tambahkan ayam dan goreng sehingga ia mengecut. Tambahkan sedikit air sehingga ia mencapai 3-4cm melepasi ayam dan semua bahan-bahan di dalam periuk untuk stok. Rebus sehingga masak. Ketepikan stok tersebut. Letakkan periuk lain di atas dapur bersama ¼ cawan beras.
- Susun terung, tomato, ubi kentang dan gelungan bawang ke atas beras. Kemudian letakkan kepingan ayam. Ratakan baki beras ke atasnya. Tuang stok ayam (lebih kurang 3 cawan) dan pastikan ianya 3-4cm melepasi beras tersebut.
- Tutup periuk dan tunggu sehingga menggelegak selama 10 minit, kemudian kecilkan api. Letakkan pan atau pinggan besi di bawah periuk tersebut bagi mengelakkan nasi daripada hangit dan rebus perlahan sehingga nasi masak. Biarkan nasi selama 20 minit sebelum dihidang.
- Untuk menghidang, terbalikkan periuk ke atas pinggan hidangan. Hiaskan dengan daun ketumbar, hirisan badam goreng, kacang gajus, kismis dan hidangkan bersama salsa ataupun jelatah.
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Jasmine PusaCream
Considered a healthy rice, Jasmine PusaCream has been processed to retain its natural minerals and vitamins. This specially selected basmati variety is low in glycemic index, starch and fat. It contains no cholesterol and is gluten-free.
Recipe by www.butterkicap.com, in collaboration with www.herworld.com.my