Time: 90 minutes | Portion: for 6 people
What You'll Need / Bahan-Bahan
3 cups PusaGold rice
150g grated fresh carrots
50g onions, peeled
2 cloves garlic, peeled
1 tsp peeled and grated
fresh ginger
½ tsp garam masala
1 tsp salt
2 cups water
2 cups vegetable or chicken stock
3 cawan beras PusaGold
150g lobak merah segar yang diparut
50g bawang, dikupas
2 ulas bawang putih, dikupas
1 sudu kecil halia segar yang dikupas dan diparut
Setengah sudu kecil garam masala
1 sudu kecil garam
2 cawan air
2 cawan stok sayuran atau ayam
Here's How / Cara-Cara
- Wash rice with several changes of water and drain. Soak rice in a bowl with 1.25 liters of water and soak for half an hour before draining.
- Grate carrots with a medium-hole grater.
- Slice onions finely.
- Heat oil on a medium fire. Fry onions and garlic until edges turn brown. Add grated carrots and stir for two minutes until soft.
- Add in rice, ginger, and garam masala. Saute rice and add salt. Pour in water and stock, and decant into a rice cooker. Cook as per usual.
Cara Penyediaan
- Basuh beras PusaGold selama beberapa kali dan sejat. Rendam beras PusaGold tersebut di dalam mangkuk sebanyak 1.25 liter air dan rendam selama setengah jam. Sejatkan.
- Parut lobak merah menggunakan pemarut berlubang saiz sederhana.
- Hiriskan bawang.
- Panaskan minyak ke atas api sederhana. Goreng bawang merah dan bawang putih sehingga keperangan di bahagian tepi.
- Masukkan lobak merah yang diparut, kacau selama 2 minit sehingga menjadi lembut. Masukkan beras, halia, garam masala. Tumis beras PusaGold tersebut dan tambahkan garam. Tuangkan air dan stok, kemudian pindahkan ke periuk nasi elektrik. Masak seperti biasa menggunakan periuk nasi elektrik.
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Jasmine PusaGold
This extra-long grain variety is a variant of basmati rice, known globally for its premium quality. It has a delectable aroma and fluffy texture, which many international food connoisseurs enjoy.
Recipe by www.butterkicap.com, in collaboration with www.herworld.com.my