Fragrant Rice Pattie
What You'll Need
3 bowls Jasmine Sunwhite Fragrant Rice, 35g dried shrimp(soaked& chopped), 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 2 eggs(beaten), 1 tsp chili powder, 1 stalk spring
onion (diced)
1½ tsp chicken powder, ½ tsp pepper, ½ tsp salt, 1tbsp tapioca flour
Here's How
1. Heat 2 tbsp oil in wok, sauté dried shrimp and garlic until fragrant.
2. Toss in seasoning and other ingredients, mixes well and apportion equally.
3. Place mold in skillet with hot oil.
4. Fill fried mixture into mold, press firmly and sauté until both side turn light brown, dish out on plate.
5. Garnish with some chicken meat floss and serve (optional).
1. 在镬中烧热2汤匙油爆香虾米及蒜茸,盛起放入饭中。
2. 加入调味料和其余材料混合拌匀,分成等份。
3. 把模型放入已烧热少许油的平底镬中。
4. 放入一份混合饭压紧,以小火煎至两面呈金黄色便可,盛出。
5. 面上以适量肉松点缀(随意)。
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